One Lap of the Web: Your dream TVR, at Miata prices!

If you've ever seen a TVR Sagaris and thought, "Man, this is the one chance I can ever have in my lifetime where I can look like a frugal John Travolta," then a British shed-based outfit called "Widow Sports Cars" has the answer for you, friend! Take a Mazda Miata and slather it in ungainly fiberglass until it resembles the hatchet-sliced bodywork of a Sagaris, and then you'll be able to baffle fellow Vanquish andViper owners until the ghost of Peter Wheeler sets you on fire with faulty electrics. Chameleon paint not included, optional or ever available. Inquiries should be sent to Eric Idle's house.
-- It's summertime, apparently. And you know what that means: PT Cruisin'! Time to splash water onto those other sissy vehicles, you suave motorist, you, and bask in the warmth of your Nesbitt-styled, Neon-based wagon. Did you know the PT Cruiser won a Car "Of The Year" award from some obscure publication? We'd be remiss to forget.
-- Legendary novelist and party animal Neal Pollack attends the X Games, promptly befriends Bucky Lasek. Despite all the mentions of bar fights, he never gets in one himself.
-- The Smoking Tire drives a Ferrari 348 Challenge. "But wait!" you might complain, cynical bastard you are, "The 348 is one of the worst Ferraris ever! Even Montezuma said so!" Not this one -- owners Stacey Slead and Steve Maxwell took a 348 Challenge and turned it into " what might just be the perfect Ferrari tuner car." After all, it has 610 hp and spits flames. That's gotta count for something.
