One Lap of the Web: The Five Car Shows You Meet in Heaven

Car news and videos from all corners of the Internet
Miatas at Mazda Raceway 2013 Blake Z. Rong 
Be careful which car meet you end up at ... otherwise, you'll get stuck with a bunch of Miatas. 

Jalopnik's vaguely entertaining Opposite Lock details the five types of car meets you should never go to. Laugh, but at the Thursday Night Cruise-Ins at the Hebert's Candy Mansion, there would be a man who would roll in with his pride and vehicular joy: a 2006 Toyota Camry, stock. Buffed, polished, dusted. He would park next to a 1955 Chevy Bel Air and some kind of Pro Stock Mopar with his hood open, displaying a flawlessly detailed engine bay and a photo album showing him beaming as he bought "her" in Kentucky, gently motoring along to Massachusetts, grinning the whole way with the love of his life. Wherever you are, Mr. Camry, we hope you're getting excellent fuel economy and decent hip- and legroom, and you're smiling on your way to Stop and Shop.
-- In Los Angeles news, a man from Finland thaws out in SoCal: Antti over at Hooniverse winds a Dodge Challenger up the Pacific Coast Highway, which is the sort of boundless patriotic experience parallel to wringing out, say, a Mitsubishi Sapporo on the Kuninkaantie.
-- And here's why the Mitsubishi Evo will live on: Its immense practicality makes possible the breakfast of champions. (No whey? Yes whey!) In England, of course, they call these spoilers "tea trays," but we Americans have no time for such formalities.
