Mercedes AMG GT engine notes teased

Mercedes AMG GT coupe

Latest Mercedes AMG GT teaser videos preview the forthcoming supercar’s various engine sounds

Mercedes has taken a further step in its bit-by-bit reveal of the Mercedes AMG GT supercar by posting a series of audio clips online.
We’ve already seen the AMG GT’s interior, as well as an official sketch and teaser of the car’s profile, but now the manufacturer is letting fans know what forthcoming SLS-replacement will sound like.
Each of the three videos (below) offers a different level of insight, ranging from start and idle, through to light revs, and right up to full whack. 
The V8 engine in question is expected to be a new twin-turbocharged 4.0-litre petrol unit, capable of producing up to 500bhp.
Revealed on the official AMG GT website, it appears Mercedes intends to release at least six more sound bites, with a series of spaces currently left enticingly blank, save for ‘Coming Soon’ captions.
We shouldn’t have to wait too long though, as the new Porsche 911-rival is set to debut officially at the Paris Motor Show later this year.
