Drivers can earn £200 a month with F1-style ads on their cars

Massa Williams 2014

Motoring costs can be cut by selling space on your car through a new company

A new company is offering drivers the opportunity to make money from turning their cars into moving billboards, just like F1.
Car Quids says motorists can earn between £100 and £200 a month by renting out space on their cars including stickers on windscreens, doors and bonnets or a full car wrap. 
Owners agree to take part and Car Quids will match them with a suitable advertiser. The ads are professionally applied but they can be removed at home once the deal ends.
Owners will also have the opportunity to turn down any advertisers that they don't agree with before they're plastered on their cars. To carry ads, cars must be kept in good condition.
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The company is also lauching a unique car lease scheme whereby drivers can pay just £40 a month to lease a car with the total fee subsidised by adverts on the car.
After an upfront fee is paid - around £650 for a small car - customers can lease it for the reduced rate for as long as advertisements are in place.
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As an example, Car Quids said a Ford Fiesta 1.25 Style 3dr manual petrol hatchback would cost the driver just £39.90 a month as opposed to £126.90 over four years. 
Drivers would still need to pay the upfront fee, insurance, maintenance, MoT and road tax while each car can do 8,000 miles before incurring excess mileage fees.
